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You made the commitment to get FEARLESS.

Then, you backed it up with ACTION.

& Now, you're on your way to UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE!


...for allowing me to be a part of your incredible journey into creating a life and a YOU that you're head-over-heels in love with.

Together, we're going to do amazing things!

Here's What's Next...

#1  Schedule your first full session using the 'Book It' button below. If we're already scheduled, you can move on to #2.

Nothing to book at the moment

#2  Get connected between sessions by texting your name to (757)550-0466. You can always reach me with questions by email at or using the form below.

Thanks! Message sent.

#3  Be on the lookout for an email link to your custom dashboard before our first full session. (Be sure to add me to important contacts so our amazing work doesn't get lost in your promo folder!)

...AND Feel Amazing About Taking This Giant Leap Toward Fearlessness!
5 Second Conversation Ender

Ever found yourself stuck in the conversation that wouldn't end? A lecture, a political debate, a fight with your loved one...

Here's the 5-second way to end it with charisma and charm!

5 Sec
Watch Now

We delve into your story and find out what's serving you and where it's time to let go.


We put an end to negative self-talk and remove the old subconscious programming limiting your potential and happiness.


We unravel and reframe the guilt, resentment, and anxiety that have you invisibly bound.


Once we take back your power and give you the tools to keep you in that mindset consistently, you'll finally feel like you're 'enough'. Imagine that relief.


Your emotions are what cause your action or inaction. That's why willpower fails us. Emotions, not logic, cement habits. 


You'll learn tools to master your emotions so they work 'for' rather than against you. Plus, training to advance your intuition, giving you a massive edge in business.


Events stop happening 'to' you and start happening 'for' you.


Master your emotions and you'll take decisive action and navigate challenges with a cool head. You become totally unshakeable.


Without attachments to negativity and unnecessary distractions, it's time to fill your life with what you love.


Make more room for fun, relationships, family and all of the things that make life meaningful for you.


Create habits that leverage your time and ability to achieve multiple goals. Know your values so decision-making becomes easy.


Refine the balance between discipline and creative freedom. Enjoy a life of your own design.


Approach life with the courage, confidence, and charisma that make you absolutely irresistible to every single thing you want.


Get the tools to avoid the trap of self-sabotage and never feel lost again.


Embrace the joy of leveling-up and discovering that you're capable of so much more than you expected. 


Because being a total badass armed with dominatrix confidence is about having fun, living your passions, and feeling absolutely UNSTOPPABLE.

You're Getting...

>>> 15 Private 1:1 Sessions

Decide where you'd like to take control... life, love, business, or have it all.  Develop the dominatrix mindset at your own pace. No worrying about missing a meeting. Sessions are good for 1 year.


>>> Ultimate Power Hypnosis

Optional hypnosis to unlock your ultimate power, overcome stubborn blocks, and get deep work done painlessly. This is the secret to extreme focus, relaxation, and confidence for celebrities, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs.


>>> Recordings of Your Take Control Sessions

Access your Zoom or telephone session recordings so you never forget a thing, for a motivational pick-me-up, or to re-enjoy your hypnosis. We'll measure results. Master tools. And get you the shifts you need to step into your power with confidence.


>>>  Your Personalized Dashboard

You'll be given a password-protected personalized dashboard where you can access your recordings, online booking options, tutorials, tools, worksheets, and so much more handpicked just for you. Your dashboard is accessible on most devices.


Plus, Bonuses...

Convenient Online Scheduling

Schedule all of your sessions at once or whenever the timing suits you. No need to negotiate time slots or be restricted to a rigid schedule. 

Priority Access Between Sessions

You'll have daily access to me and my team via email, or FB messenger to get you the support you need and answers to your burning questions.

Supportive Facebook Community

Surrounding yourself with others who are becoming their best selves is crucial to your mindset. Get the support, encouragement, and additional coaching you need here.

Just Some Results...

Franklin's 'Having It All'...

"Kristy showed me how to improve my relationships, business and personal. After working with her, I got a huge promotion, found the love of my life, and started earning more respect from everyone. My future is clear now. I'm content where I am and excited about where I'm headed. I even quit smoking and started bodybuilding. Kristy has changed my life! I am a happier person, a better mate, and the man I've always wanted to be."

- Franklin S.

Arianna 6 X'ed Her Investment!

"I had been struggling with the idea of how to make my career one of the things I love the most. Just after our first meeting, I have a better plan than when I was doing it alone. Her knowledge is extensive... I am so happy I was able to find Kristy as a mentor! "

- Arianna Blackthorne

Alex Overcame Severe Social Anxiety...

“What I liked the most was feeling vulnerable and confronting fears. By forcing me to discuss experiences and motivations in my life, you showed me many of the driving factors behind my actions... you helped me find the courage to tackle my problems. You have inspired me to fight for what I desire. You have empowered me, and I am free now."

- Alex B.

Dana Had Her First 10 K Month!

I had Kristy do some work to ramp things up financially and bust through my self-imposed glass ceiling. Since the session I have noticed opportunities lining up for speaking, ideal clients coming in who have not qualms about paying me and my ease with the flow of money has been ramped up. I am so delighted to call Kristy my colleague and friend.

- Dana Pharant


I'd like to thank you...I will continue to push my limits throughout my life, I reflect on my sessions, and use what I have learned to my advantage. This is an addiction, the headspace, the mental games... all tie into breaking through to new heights new limits and new experiences.


- Kyle N.

Kyle Discovered How To Move Forward...
Nicole Broke Free From A Toxic Relationship...

I didn't have a leg to stand on sorting out all this mess by myself. Kristy helped me today in more ways than I'd ever had known possible. I took my power back, released the fear...then felt a wave of faith wash over me. I feel POWERFUL! In that hour conversation more was uncovered to me than in YEARS of healing.

- Nicole Powers

You are strong. 

You are brave.



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